Monday, July 14, 2014

Bass-Treble Circuit Using Op-Amp 741

Will make this bassamplifier circuit quick and easy. I’m creating a bass-treble circuit using the Op-Amp741. Yes it is simple but don’t under estimate because it is also a powerful bass, treble, volume control is made by General Op-Amp IC LM741.  The maximum voltage that you can input in this powerful bass is 12V, but don’t worry because this circuit also works in 9v and 6 Volts. The circuit has inbuilt pre-amplifier also.


IC LM741 x1
T/C 10k,22k,100k   All x1
Triansistor BC148/548   x1
220uF/25V   x2                 
4.7uF/25V  x2
2.2uF/10V x1
10uF/25V x1
Small resistances x12p
Small PF    x5p

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